Monday, August 14, 2017

They're here!

How exciting! The fertilised eggs have arrived.

A lady called Jo, who is from Living Eggs, came in just after morning tea and introduced us to the 9 unhatched chicks. They are currently living in an incubator which provides the eggs with the necessary warmth and moisture that they require. As responsible guardians for the chicks, we have to ensure that the eggs are safe, have a temperature of 37.7 degrees and have enough water topped up in the water trays. The water trays aren't there to drink from. They actually react with the heat from the heating element at the top of the incubator and create some humidity which forms moisture. The moisture keeps the egg from drying up so that the chick can hatch easily.

One of our eggs is pipping already! This means the chick is beginning to use its egg tooth to break free. Miss Berry even heard the chick inside chirping away and the little egg was rocking backwards and forwards at 3.15pm today. We think this might be the first one to hatch! Yay!

Once they have begun to hatch, we will transfer them into the brooder. We must make sure that they are completely dry and ready before they move to their next home though. They also can't go alone and must go with a buddy. After all, wouldn't you be lonely if you had to move into a strange house with your friends or family?
Miss Berry has organised us into groups so we can complete the daily

 jobs that will ensure we look after the chicks responsibly. We'll update later on in the week to share how it's going!

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